Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Herzberg s Theories About Motivation Essay - 991 Words

Herzberg established his theories about motivation in workplace in 1959. The findings of his studies suggest that job satisfaction (and motivation) and job dissatisfaction are not the opposite of each other and are made up of different factors. (Herzberg, 2011) â€Å"The opposite of job satisfaction is not job dissatisfaction but, rather, no job satisfaction; and similarly, the opposite of job dissatisfaction is not job satisfaction, but no job dissatisfaction.† (Herzberg, 2011) There are two different set of needs for a human being according to Herzberg – the basic biological needs (hygiene factors) and the unique psychological needs (motivator factors). Hygiene factors includes salary, security, working conditions, interpersonal relationships, work-life balance etc. Motivator factors includes achievement, responsibility, advancement, growth and recognition etc. His studies showed that the majority of the factors contributing to job satisfaction were motivators while majority of the factors contributing to job dissatisfaction were hygiene factors. (Herzberg, 2011) People evolve as the world become more complex and technology become more advance. This means that traditional view of organization as machines and employees being cogs in the machine is no longer valid in today’s society. Employees are living beings with individual set of values, motivation and goals who when organized properly can work collectively to realize the objectives of the organisation more robustly andShow MoreRelatedMotivation Theories Of A Diverse Workforce During Times Of Change Essay1696 Words   |  7 PagesLeadership, Motivation, Change Introduction In this paper two motivation theories in a diverse workforce during times of change will be discuss. Differences, including theoretical premises, between two models will be explained. Details relates to challenges and opportunities in a diverse workforce will identified. Strategies to keep a workforce motivated during organizational change will be point out. Two Motivation Theories To begin this discuss a definition of motivation is presentedRead MoreMaslow s Hierarchy Of Needs1741 Words   |  7 Pagesis discuss on the two theories: The Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and Herzberg’s. 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